Our 1st Mid-wife Appointment

March 12, 2014 was such an exciting day for us! We could hardly sleep! Luckily our appointment was in the morning so we didn’t have to wait very long because I don’t know if I could have done it 🙂 The appointment went well, she started out by asking us a lot of questions, mostly family history and such. I honestly don’t remember much of it because I was a little nervous and very excited all at the same time. We didn’t know if they would be doing an ultrasound that day (but the room we were in had one in it, which made us excited :-)) After all the questions were done, she had Ari lay on the table and explained that she would be doing an exam and then the fun part would come….we would in fact be having our FIRST ULTRASOUND! This was what we saw:

Ultrasound screen


Its hard to see on this one, but inside that dark circle in the middle there is a white “blob” lol. That’s our little baby squishy (that’s the babies nickname….for now at least :-))

Ari’s first picture with baby squishy


AWWWW…..This is Ari’s first pic with baby squishy 🙂

Ultrasound showing baby at 8 weeks 1 day


You can’t really see the edits I made to this picture but the first one is just showing where the baby actually is. And the second is pointing to what the midwife said was the head. I couldn’t tell the difference, but I’ll take her word for it 🙂

We were also able to see the heartbeat at this appointment. UNBELIEVEABLE EXPERIENCE!!!! I remember just holding Ari’s hand and squeezing it because I couldn’t believe this was real! There is a baby growing in there and its got a heartbeat! She told us that the baby measured at 8 weeks and 1 day at that time, which was only 2 days off from what we had figured out on our own! (We thought she was 8 weeks and 3 days) Not to shabby if I do say so myself!

I’ve finally caught up to present day. Currently today, March 28, 2014 as I’m writing this Ari is 10 weeks and 3 days pregnant! Everything seems to be going just as planned FX (Fingers crossed)! Our next appointment will be April 7, 2014! We are starting to feel the need for another update. Waiting is soooo hard when you just want to know that everything is OK! The midwife told us that there will be a 50/50 chance that we might be able to actually HEAR the heartbeat at this next appointment! I really hope so because that would be AMAZING!! I’ll be updating in just a little over a week after that appointment. Maybe someone will be reading this by then 🙂

To Be Cont……..


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